♦ The launch is the essence of fly fishing. Mastering the art of released allows fly fishermen to enjoy their sport in all conditions.
♦ What is the best way to launch? On The Fly released, the author explores all the variations and subtleties of the topic. With lucid explanations and spectacular photographs, teach how to make longer casts with less force, making right-angle hooks, loops around and launch cross-wind conditions.
♦ Ed Jaworowski along with his friend, teacher and mentor Lefty Kreher have spent years taking photographs for this book, find locations, taking advantage of optimal light conditions, capturing the fly line key when selecting the best shots.
Ed Jarowski
♦ Ed Jaworowski teaches fly casting practices throughout the U.S.. Is a contributing editor of publications and Mid Athlantic Fly Fishing, and writes for every major fly fishing magazines.
Author: Ed Jarowski
Pages: 240
Format: 21 x 27.5 cm
Binding: Paperback